whero, pango ka oti ai te mahi

With red and black the work will be complete

Nau mai haere mai - welcome

Mediation is a process where parties in dispute meet with a neutral mediator who assists them to discuss their differences openly and respectfully, and supports them to create and agree their own acceptable resolutions. parties in dispute put aside their positions, listen to each other openly, and strive together to find mutual solutions, mediation has done its job.

By getting people to take a step back from their positions and demands, mediation helps them to gain an understanding of each other’s interests, feelings, values and attitudes. In this way, people can gain fresh perspectives and insights into the causes of the dispute so they can explore ways to resolve it that will work for them.

Mediation is consensual, confidential and relatively informal. It is flexible enough to allow parties to find their own resolutions, but is guided by certain structures and processes.